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The Adult Swim Ninja Series Continues Boruto’s Forgotten Premise


The Adult Swim Ninja Series Continues Boruto’s Forgotten Premise

Ninja Kamui is a new series that has taken the concept of "ninja technology" to the next level. While the idea was used in many other anime shinobi shows, Ninja Kamui has been the first one to fully embrace the potential of technologically advanced shinobi. Adult Swim's latest hit is an enthralling tour de force in ninjutsu, tech and a shinobi that takes Boruto to the next step.

Sunghoo Park’s original animated series Ninja Kamui follows the brutal adventures Higan. A shinobi, who leaves his ninja group and all of its responsibilities. The ninja community of Higan's clan believes that "once a Ninja, always A Ninja". As soon as Higan departs, his former friends and allies will try to eliminate him.

Higan and his family, who have moved to the American Midwest, are as happy as they can be, considering that he is a wanted person. He is located by the death squad that has been sent to find him. He survives the attack but his wife and son are brutally murdered in front of him. Higan, consumed by rage at the murder of his family, takes a violent path in order to revenge his wife's and son's deaths and kill any Ninjas who stand in his way.

Ninja Kamui
 Brings Nin-Tech to Another Level

Park's style of storytelling is outstanding, even though the Ninja Kamui plot isn't groundbreaking. Ninja Kamui is unique in that it incorporates futuristic technologies into the classic themes of ninjas . This feudal future idea is a theme that has been used in many samurai animations, including Afro Samurai and Star Wars: Visions. Masashi Kishimoto’s Boruto is credited with a lot of the shinobi-centric ideas. In fact, the concept was present when Narutowas still being published.

In Boruto ninja tech, also known as "nintech", refers to "scientific tools" that are combined with traditional ninjutsu and supernatural power-ups. Naruto’s prosthetic is perhaps the most impressive example of Boruto nin-tech. As shown in Boruto : Naruto Next Generation chapter #16, Naruto used to use a prosthetic arm which mimicked Momoshiki's abilities to absorb and neutralize his opponent's Jutsu. This is a great enhancement for Naruto, who's a master ninja.

Over the course of this series, however, the nintech plot device has been replaced by a simple, unsatisfying, and simplistic explanation for certain characters' abilities - mainly the Inner Circle members. In the course of the series, the initial discussion about the legitimacy of nintech and its morals has completely vanished.

The Technology Used in Ninja Kamu and is another type of Jutsu

Nin-tech is a creative tool that enhances the basic story of a ninja. Borutoneeded a way to differentiate itself from Naruto. Nin-tech, when fully explored, could have provided the solution. Ninja Kamui, on the other hand embeds ninja-tech in the DNA of the story. But unlike Boruto where the main evil organisation in the story is a high-tech company with a worldwide footprint, Ninja Kamui has technology everywhere.

Higan, for example, uses facial cloaking to make him appear like the white American Joe Logan and not the Japanese man he is. Higan's opponents also wield light-saber weapons, and Emma Samanda has a rolling supercomputer that looks like an old Volkswagen Bug.

There's an interesting reason for Ninja Kamui's dependence on technology. Japan’s last true shinobi said that ninjas were constantly looking to improve their skills. Shinobi are always looking for ways to improve their abilities.

It seems obvious to a fan who lives in an information-based society that Park would combine technology with his outstanding physical and supernatural abilities. Why wouldn't modern ninjas make the most of all available technologies to become more efficient? Boruto is more cautious, while Ninja Kamui takes a stand.

Park has so far proven his visionary choice. The technology vibe is what makes Ninja Kamui so appealing to the modern audience. This also raises the question as to why more anime aren't ninja themed after the Boruto.

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