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Naruto: Why Was Hiruzen The Longest Serving Hokage?

Hiruzen was a revered Kage and Hokage amongst his peers, as well as the Konohagakure villagers.

He was known as "Professor" because of his encyclopedic understanding of Konohagakure ninjutsu. The Third Hokage Hiruzen Srutobi is regarded as one of Naruto's strongest Kages. was forced to take on the role of Hokage after his mentor Tobirama Senju sacrificed himself to save his subordinates from a battle with Kumogakure Kinkaku Force in the First Shinobi World War. He was able, through two other conflicts during his reign, to bring his village into relative peace by the beginning of Naruto’s storyline.

Hiruzen, who was a firm believer in the Will of Fire, also brought about many reforms to his village. Although his tenure as Hokage wasn't perfect and some of his grave mistakes led to horrendous problems for Konohagakure, he did bring about a strong sense of community. Hiruzen, who was a strong believer in 's Will of Fire led to many reforms within the village. In the form of three legendary Sannin, he also trained the strongest shinobi the village has ever seen. Hiruzen was a Hokage for two terms, but there are many reasons why he lasted so long. Many of them stem from the ideals he held as a shinobi, as well as his love and devotion to those he supervised.

One of the most versatile Shinobi in history

Hiruzen studied under Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju. He was able to use all five chakra types along with Yin and Yang Release. Hiruzen also knew all the secret ninjutsu of Konohagakure. Third Hokage developed his own jutsu, including the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique and the Five Release Great Combo Technique.

Hiruzen also had a large amount of chakra in his prime. This only decreased towards the end. He was able compensate for this with his incredible chakra control. This allowed him to use only as much chakra was needed to perform a particular technique. Hiruzen was able, despite his aging, to mold stone and crack it. Orochimaru thought that Hiruzen would have defeated the Sannin, as well as the Second and First Hokage , who were revived by Edo Tensei, had he been just ten years older at the time of Konoha Crush. Even in his old age, he still had sharp reflexes and sensory abilities.

Hiruzen's jutsu arsenal, which was perhaps even greater than Kakashi's, and his knowledge of advanced seal techniques made him one of the best-rounded and most versatile shinobi of all time. He could respond to any situation. Hiruzen was able to reach a level that rivaled his mentors. From his arsenal, , which surpassed Kakashi's to the monstrous amount of chakra he possessed in his prime and his equal ability to use all five Nature Releases. Hiruzen's ability to use all five Nature Releases and his arsenal of jutsu, which was comparable to Kakashi's, earned him respect from both villagers of Konohagakure as well as those of rival villages.

A Moderate Approach To Leadership

Hiruzen was known for his unwavering belief in the Will Of Fire. Hiruzen viewed Konohagakure's people as his family, and the Hokage was someone responsible for the village's collective well-being. He was dedicated to his students as well as to the youth of Konohagakure. They were the future he wanted to protect. He always made decisions to improve the lives of all the people in the village.

His moderate approach to conflict resolution was another very notable aspect of his Hokage role, in contrast to others like his mentor Tobirama Senju or Danzo Shimura. Danzo's choice to fight the darkness in the village was a great way for Hiruzen, despite the fact that it was one of his greatest mistakes. Danzo’s misdeeds led to tragedies like the Uchiha Clan Downfall and the destruction of Konohagakure, but Hiruzen viewed these as his failures.

Hiruzen also adhered to pacifism at all costs because he was a war veteran who had experienced the horrors of warfare first-hand. This led to him being perceived by some as soft, but it also contributed greatly to the love and respect he received by the Konohagakure villagers, and from his fellow Kage. His death during the Konoha Crush is a loss for the shinobi community.

Taking on the Mantle a Second Time

Hiruzen resigned as Hokage initially after the Third Shinobi World War. He signed a treaty of peace with Iwagakure in order to end the war despite Konohagakure's losses. Danzo was furious, and the Third Hokage ended his reign to choose a successor. After Orochimaru proved to be unworthy and Jiraiya declined the role, the young Minato namikaze stepped in as the Fourth Hokage. His reign was cut short when he and Kushina were killed by the Nine-Tails during their attack on the village.

Hiruzen, who had no successors, came out of retirement and served a second term. He would serve until his death in the Konoha Crush. He was called back for a second term because of the respect the village had for him despite his mistakes. Hiruzen was seen as a symbol of the Will of Fire by many. The villagers also saw how he carried himself in his role as Hokage.

Hiruzen, the strongest Kage and possibly one of the most powerful Hokage ever, brought stability to rival nations in 's earlier era. His predecessors' hidden village system had taken hold across the globe, bringing an unsteady peace that was only interrupted by two major wars. His second term saw relative peace and stability, with no large-scale conflict in the shinobi universe of .

Hiruzen, when brought back to life by the Summoning Impure World Reincarnation reflected on his mistakes and realized that he, too, was flawed, even though he tried to do his best to serve the village. He regretted that he would have been able to prevent a lot of the misfortunes that werefalling the village and shinobi community if he'd ruled with more firmness. Hiruzen was a leader that many shinobi admired and hoped to emulate.

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