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Dragon Ball: Goku's 'Stolen' Techniques

Many people claim that Goku stole a lot of techniques from masters. However, this is a fundamental misconception.

Dragon Ball fanatics seem to have become more critical and less fond of Goku. It could be due to his portrayal in Dragon Ball Z, or his sharper abilities, in Dragon Ball, such as the magic rod, and his martial arts prowess. The question of whether Goku stole the techniques from the masters that he sought is one that is often debated and misunderstood.

Many fans claim that Goku is a lesser martial artist because he steals techniques from others and doesn't create his own. Is he really stealing techniques or is he simply refining the ones he has learned? There are many different ways to use and extend a technique. Others might say that he improved the original purpose of his techniques, and that it is this ability to improve them which makes him a skilled Martial Artist.

Goku's Refinement

Son Goku has no doubt developed his martial arts skills to the extent that he is one of the most powerful characters in Dragon Ball. It's a misperception to believe that Goku only steals techniques from his teachers. Goku's use of techniques such as the Kamehameha and Solar Flare as well as the Kaioken, Spirit Bomb, as well as Instant Transmission, is not a misunderstanding. It may not be in his favor as a martial arts master because the techniques were not created by Goku, but his teachers. However, Goku does not steal them and claim that they are his own. Instead he adapts them for his fighting style. A martial artist is a person who passes on their skills from one generation to the next. Goku still has a lot to learn from Master Roshi, King Kai and other valuable teachers. To say that he stole their techniques would be a gross misinterpretation.

The Kamehameha is the most famous technique of Master Roshi. The Kamehameha Wave is exactly what is depicted, a ball of Ki that's expelled in a wave attack. This wave can topple buildings and even defeat an opponent if it lands directly. The Kamehameha Wave is a very simple technique in the hands Master Roshi. However, when Goku adds more Ki to the technique, it becomes a much more powerful and destructive technique. Super Kamehameha is the result, which many people have called a more powerful, but also destructive, version of the Kamehameha Wave.

This is only one of many techniques that Goku has refined with practice and application. The Yardratians taught Goku the Instant Transmission technique between the Frieza Saga and the Android Saga. This particular technique became a staple of Goku's arsenal, allowing him to travel across entire planets as long-range transport if he had a Ki Signature to lock onto. Goku has used the Instant Transmission in battle with Cell, but only when he was charging up the Kamehameha. This technique requires Goku to have more focus, and this is especially true without placing his fingers on his forehead. His mastery of the technique will continue to grow in the future.


It's clear from the examples that Goku has adopted multiple techniques to his arsenal. However, this is not stealing in any way, shape, or form. When Goku first learned these techniques, it was understood that he'd be the one to utilize them to their maximum. Goku wouldn't have been able to show the power of the Spirit Bomb against Frieza, Kid Buu, and Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga if he hadn't used the techniques he was said to have stolen. These techniques were not stolen but rather passed on to Goku to advance the plot and show Goku's progression as a martial arts expert who can learn and adapt techniques to his fighting style and skills.

Goku's wide arsenal of techniques has allowed him to rise above expectations and become a beloved protagonist in the eyes of many fans. a vast arsenal of techniques is what has enabled Goku to surpass expectations and rise to the level he now holds as both a character as well as protagonist in the eyes of many fans. Dragon Ball despite its flaws and tendency to make Goku the central character in every story arc, it doesn't forget to remind us of Goku's martial arts training.

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